Coach and Staff Directory

Administrative Staff

Name Title Phone E-Mail
John Czarnecki
Director of Athletics
(315) 792-7520
Kelly Colbert
Associate Athletic Director/Senior Woman Administrator
(315) 792-7519
David Golembiowski
Asst. Athletic Director for Athletic Events and Facilities
(315) 792-7523
Zoe Gilbert
Athletics Administrative Assistant
(315) 792-7525
Abin Boris
Athletic Communications Director
(315) 792-7515
David Pasick
Faculty Athletics Representative (F.A.R.)
Dr. Mark Montgomery
Athletics Diversity & Inclusion Designee

Sports Information Staff

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Abin Boris
Athletic Communications Director
(315) 792-7515
Paul Ludden
Assistant for Sports Communications
(315) 792-7835

Athletic Training Staff

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Rebecca Duszak
Head Athletic Trainer
(315) 792-7514
Kathryn Purgill
Athletic Trainer
(315) 792-7539

Men's Soccer

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Peterson Jerome
Head Men's Soccer Coach
(315) 792-7516
Randolph Butler
Assistant Men's Soccer Coach
Andrew Gallup
Men's Soccer Faculty Mentor

Women's Soccer

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Hunter Sowersby
Head Women's Soccer Coach

Men's Cross Country

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Jerry Tine
Head Cross Country Coach
(315) 792-7339
Leah Basel
Assistant Coach

Women's Cross Country

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Jerry Tine
Head Cross Country Coach
(315) 792-7339
Leah Basel
Assistant Coach

Women's Volleyball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Katie LaClaire
Head Women's Volleyball Coach
(315) 792-7169
Max Szuba
Assistant Women's Volleyball Coach
Zora Thomova Ph.D.
Women's Volleyball Faculty Mentor

Mixed Golf

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Steven Campanaro
Head Golf Coach

Men's Basketball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Rob Schoener
Head Men's Basketball Coach
(315) 792-7179
Jerrid Otis
Assistant Men's Basketball Coach
Malik Johnson
Assistant Men's Basketball Coach
Jesse O'Dell
Assistant Men's Basketball Coach
Bobby Menz
Student Assistant
Alexander Bulson
Men's Basketball Faculty Mentor

Women's Basketball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Jessica Skelton
Head Women's Basketball
(315) 792-7387
Kareem Jones
Assistant Women's Basketball Coach
Taylor Aybar
Assistant Women's Basketball Coach
Allison Osborn-Smith
Assistant Women's Basketball Coach
Dr. Megan Dischiavo
Women's Basketball Faculty Mentor

Men's Volleyball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Daniel Short
Head Men's Volleyball Coach
(315) 792-7520

Men's Baseball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Paul Ludden
Head Baseball Coach
(315) 792-7835
Jacob Sisto
Assistant Baseball Coach
Pat Baker
Pitching Coach
Michael Johnson
Director of Baseball Operations
Jarrett Rose, PhD
Baseball Faculty Mentor
Pete Ludden
Assistant Baseball Coach

Women's Softball

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Juleah Wanner
Head Softball Coach
(315) 792-7813
Danielle Witchley
Assistant Softball Coach
Kareem Jones
Assistant Softball Coach

Men's Lacrosse

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Charles Rosaschi
Assistant Men's Lacrosse Coach
(315) 792-7834
Sean Flanagan
Assistant Men's Lacrosse Coach
Chris Ryan
Assistant Men's Lacrosse Coach
Michael Carpenter
Men's Lacrosse Faculty Mentor

Women's Lacrosse

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Charles Rosaschi
Head Women's Lacrosse Coach
(315) 792-7834
Krysta Beha
Assistant Women's Lacrosse Coach
Francia I. Reed, PhD, MS, RN, FNP-C, CME, CNE
Women's Lacrosse Faculty Mentor

Please note that all SUNY Poly Athletics Staff members, including coaches and trainers, are considered Responsible Employees under Title IX. When someone discloses an incident of sex discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence or stalking to a Responsible Employee, that employee must share that information with SUNY Poly's Title IX Coordinators. In order to disclose an incident of sex or gender based discrimination confidentially, please see the confidential reporting options outlined SUNY Poly's Options for Confidentially Disclosing policy.

Athletic Directors and coaches (including full time, part time and graduate assistants who assist with coaching) are considered CSAs (Campus Security Authorities) for Clery Act reporting. If a CSA witnesses, learns of, or hears about a Clery Act crime, they must report to University Police and share what happened and where it happened. If a reporting individual requests anonymity for the purposes of Clery reporting, the CSA must honor this request to the extent permitted by law.